Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Random thoughts by some indian chick

Good morning me! wow. work is extra boring today. but i have something extra special to look forward to this week. On Friday, i am flying out to England to meet up with my cousin, my mom, and my aunt. From there we fly to Portugal, Madrid, and Barcelona. I think thats the order. i didn't really plan it, so i'm shady on the details. I need this trip. Doing the same old thing is getting old. i need a break from the daily grind. Not to sound like a spoiled brat though. Don't feel sorry for me. i have a great life. i just like to bitch and complain every now and again. But i still appreciate everything that i am given and have the oppurtunity to do.
I am seeing things so different recently. i don't go out as much, i spend WAY more time with closer friends and family, and i am just ready to be more settled. Its been easier lately to spot the fake people and keep them far away from me. I had tons of fake friends in the past. As they say, you know people for a reason, a season, or for a lifetime. I've had them all. Same goes for men. i have yet to meet the one that will be in my life for a lifetime, but i'm not ready for all that yet. i'll be ready when i'm ready. as far as people giving me a timeline on when certain things need to be done, they need to find something better to do with their time.
i played basketball this weekend for the first time in a really long time. I have muscles hurting that i didn't even know i had. why the heck do my armpits hurts?
Cowboys are 3-0. haha! i live for this shit.

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